Oh- and guess why else I am in such a great mood? (no, it isn't the warm bowl of clam chowder from a can that I am eating for dinner tonight, silly)- it is the fact that I am HOME! And not a meeting- wooohooo. I could hardly think of what I wanted to do first. Do I...
A. knit?
B. blog?
C. Study?
D. Practice yoga
yeah, you guessed it B -blogging won..But a close second was D, I need to do a headstand right now I am so happy.
What's on your plate? Here is what is on mine (well, at least last night anyhow). Look what Hubby has started to do while I am off working, yoga-sizing and knitting.
Wanna know what is on there-
yummy! Shrimp Alfredo with dill and mushrooms-
It is great, I have been coming home and dinner is made. I have the BEST - do you hear me B-E-S-T hubby ever.
But wait! There's more. It was our friend Keith's birthday last weekend so we did a little of this:
to help him celebrate. But Hubby also did this! To help celebrate
Ladies and gentle men: The Birthday Log-
(yes, all by himself. I got home from class and the house smelled of chocolatey-citricy-spicy goodness) OH MY GOD it was really good. I tell you, he is on a roll- bu-dump-bump-ding! ;)
What have I been doing you ask... A little of this
(for yoga I am keeping a journal of my practice)
And I this!
Yes. Finally, some knitting in my life. Where hae you been? I just got the free issue of Interweave Knits in the mail and decided to start working on the felted canteen bag.
I am using some of the Knit Picks WOTA and just need to get the flap and the straps done. (I really want the model's shoes, pants, hat, and coat in this picture!)
Okay, I feel better... all blogged up and ready to go knit (or study, but probably knit, or maybe go do that head stand that has been calling to me all day....)