t.i.l.t. JUNE 1, 2006
FIRST: I would like to thank EVERYONE out there who has sent us their well wishes on the move! I really appreciate all the good thoughts coming our way- we are definitely excited (and a little lost in this new big house- yelling, lots of yelling "where are you?!")
It has been a pretty good change up so far- only a little problem with the water- the neighbor was trying to help when he say that our sprinklers were out of control the day before we moved in- so he wandered over and turned off the water. Only problem, he *turned off the water* and didn't tell us. So we were all weekend without water. On Tuesday I called the Water Authority to make a fuss about the fact that they didn't turn the water on when we asked- they said it was on- it must be on our property side- so I got the key out and marche around the house turning this valve and that (mind you I felt pretty important at that point) I finally got the water going again after a few failed attempts- viola! We have lift off- and flushing toilets! yippee...
So needless to say, have been preoccupied, but in a good way and with good things.
I felt like I needed to post- nothing craft here, I am just trying to unpack boxes and figure out where I am going to put things. We are also busy picking out colors for the walls- I think we got some good ones. My craft room/yoga room will have an awesome purple wall. I am prepping for my mom's big retirement party this weekend as well- Costco, here I come. It should be a fun day- I am so excited for her!
This all leads to the photo and to today's T.I.L.T. (things I love Thursday)
I am totally fascinated by the mystic right now. The idea that if you put a thought or an idea out in the universe it will come to you- at exactly the right time. It might be in a little different way then how you imagined it, but it will be there.
I am constantly amazed by people's kindness. Things just keep coming to us- good things, wonderful things- kindness is all around.
it blows my mind away and it makes me believe that there is a master plan- we just have to trust that it is there, we have to have the patience for it, we have to have the patience to see it when it is there.
Along these lines... Just got in touch with a long lost friend today- it is amazing to see her via photos, so many laughs so many good memories- so much silliness... She is going to have a baby with her long time sweet heart, now hubby this month. She looks amazing as a mom to be!
- I am overjoyed for them- looks like I have some more knitting to do!