November 29, 2006

Day 19---11*12*11

Day 19 of 11*12*11


green white gold

Friday Flickr Favs:

  1. Playsilk Wings Tutorial, Baby Hopes
  2. Parasol, Kamoda
  3. Sparkly hat, madorganica
  4. Jump, E Welthorpe
  5. untitled, tigerluxe
  6. untitled, pyrodreams
  7. untitled, Bisy Backson
  8. the longest escalator ever, girlhula

Day 18--- 11*12*11

Day 18 of 11*12*11


Yashica LM

Day 17--- 11*12*11

Day 17 of 11*12*11

Goat Again

November 26, 2006

Day 16--- 11*12*11

Day 16 of 11*12*11


Day 15--- 11*12*11

Day 15 of 11*12*11



Birthday Gift

November 24, 2006

Day 14---11*12*11

Day 14 of 11*12*11

no camera today.... enjoy the world through these eyes....

Friday Flickr Favorites,

  1. Untitled, kookooface
  2. prayer, juliazed
  3. i'm bored, mommymoshpit
  4. Miss Liberty, JesC
  5. Just a spoonful of sugar, Nina Marie Gilbert
  6. It's love, Jocelyn
  7. bici, zepol
  8. la perlita, Bird in the Hand
  9. Closthesline, Astoria, Mary Catherine
  10. Cloud, wmchu
  11. untitled, fliegender
  12. Art Installation, menlo

Day 13--- 11*12*11

Day 13 of 11*12*11

scottie dog stuffie
pre feastappetizer platter
sleeping beautysleepy house
Mom and the bird
....and a look back to last year..... so thankful, so, so, thankful.

Day 12--- 11*12*11

Day 12 of 11*12*11



Making flat bread

whip cream cat

November 22, 2006

Day 11---11*12*11

Day 11 of 11*12*11



butter, bannana, beer & grapes

Day 10--- 11*12*11

Day 10 of 11*12*11

Parking Lot Snow Park

Parking Lot Snow Park

Parking Lot Snow Park

November 20, 2006

Day 9 --- 11*12*11

Day 9 of 11*12*11

Go here and here.

November 19, 2006

Day 8---11*12*11

Day 8 of 11*12*11



November 18, 2006

Day 7--- 11*12*11

Day 7 of 11*12*11

Ness and S

November 17, 2006

Day 6-- 11*12*11

Day 6 11*12*11


polishe pearls

Friday Favorites (what you think I would leave you hanging? It's my blog I make the rules)
1. Florabella Doll, wardi
2. Corners of my home-shadows, simple sparrow
3. identification, Nina Marie Gilbert
4. just like grandma's, sarah is me
5. twinkle, mav_port to port
6. frost collage, pancakemama
7. heal, SuperScaryMary
8. starry starry night, dpcafe
9. dayofdead2, matirose
10. yes? , chilli monster

November 16, 2006

Day 5 --- 11*12*11

Day 5 of 11*12*11


Not cheating

November 15, 2006

Day 4--- 11*12*11

Day 4 of 11*12*11


November 14, 2006

Day 3--- 11*12*11

Day 3 of 11*12*11

heart shaped

heart shaped

heart shaped

heart shaped

November 13, 2006

Day 2---11*12*11

Day 2 of 11*12*11

Williams Brewing
adding the grain
beer note taking

November 12, 2006

day 1--- 11*12*11

Day 1 of 11*12*11
Pancake breakfast
Great Basin

November 10, 2006

Photobooth Friday and Favorites

Cell phone addition...
Cell Phone addition
I really debated about posting the entire strip or just one frame at a time- but I decided this grouping needs to be shown together. I haven't been able to drag anyone into the booth with me lately, so I decided a prop was needed... ha! Cell phone you can be the bringer of so many emotions- and faces. Perfect!

I stopped off at the mall on my way home from teaching my first yoga class at Studio 1. The class was small, but great. I had people that were all beginners so we did a lot of explaining and adjusting. I love when a class just creates itself instead of me having something scripted.

I have today off! Hurray! I am headed over the hill to Truckee to visit with my godmother and have lunch. I haven't seen her in months and a visit is long over due.

Today is one of my dearest friends birthdays- T & V
Happy Birthday Ms. Taya! I love you lots and lots and hope you have a fabu day. Miss you. Hope the gala event of the weekend is supa fun.

This day also marks the month count down to my birthday... Tomorrow the silence begins. just photos peeps from here on out for the next month. I am interested about how this will turn out...

A few favorites from this week's Flickr browsing:
t u r n, supadope
awaiting, chillimonster
untitled, ToothAndTeeth
holla, jon...

For more photobooth love and friday goodness check out the mastermind...

Oh and this is my 200th post- so first commenter will get a little goodie in the mail-e-o as a celebration prize!