Seeing red (and pink)
Lots of pictures to catch you all up on. I got my camera back- hubby had a great time in Portland despite the weather. He also caught a few really good shots on the camera, so now I don't feel so bad about 'sharing' it with him.
Project Spectrum is in full swing....
Post card swap to my post card pal Dee:
(also included in this picture is my yarn from Roxanne. Psst, she has new colors for spring, they are wonderful!)
and look what I got from her! All the way from London- Love that it is "Royal Mail" hee hee....
Didn't Dee do a great job? And look a proverb! Right up my fortune cookie/quote a-holic alley! I love it Dee thank you!
And lets see... What else, Oh I know! Look at what the yarn that Lu sent me is doing??? Hey looks like a sock! Yup, a sock. I love the way the colors are working out on this so far....
I did a mini version of the Project Spectrum meme ... Here are a few (there are sooo many more) of the red/pink things in my house:Cosmos from the garden this summer, books about pirates, trim in the spare room, match books from casinos, toiletry box, drinking glass and yarn, crafting goodness, throw pillows on bed, back deck, cactus (again, not at my house, but fit the theme), more crafty goodness, yarn, tricycle (not at my house, but I love this picture), back deck again, me and my favorite kicks, new yarn from Lu, bathroom candle and makeup bag, tea, canister, more crafty goodness, vintage steel desk that hubby and I re-painted, postcards, antibiotics for the Gerts (she had a HUGE absess on her side due to a new cat in the 'hood), and curtains in the spare/yoga room.
And I decided my stars must all be in a line right now because on Monday I won TWO contests. One was at work- (We have a wellness program that sets up games and the like to help motivate people to stay healthy, and therefore save money on their insurance, not take as much sick leave and all that jazz....). Well, this month they were giving away $100 dollars to a few luck participants, and guess who won?? lil-ol me!
I haven't decided what I am going to do with the cash. I have been eyeing the D-LUX yoga mat that is sold at the studio, it is a CADILLAC of yoga mats I tell you so cushy and so skid free (some mats are so slickery it is just not fun to even attempt a pose). But I would also like an I-pod, so I was thinking the money could go towards that. An then there is always yarn, but I have so much in my stash right now that is being neglected that I feel guilty doing that.
The other contest I won was over at the Felted Secret Pal. I got drawn out and will be getting the Yarns to Dye For : Creating Self-Patterning Yarns for Knitting book. I am so excited because I have been eying this book for a few weeks now and really really want to try my hand at dyeing some yarn.
What lovely red and pinks you found! Congrats on the contest winnings. Hey, you don't have to buy yarn. You could buy books and patterns. ;)
Glad you got your yarn! What a cool collage of photos too!
it must be your week ;-)
I am looking forward to seeing the completed socks.
I love the Project Spectrum photo collages. Your post today was all warm and rosey to look at. :)
thanks for all the pictures, Cosmos are my all time favorite! I have tons of orange ones in my garden every year, can't wait! Lots of yummy yarn too, gotta get a hankie, getting drool everywhere!
Glad to see you got the camera back :o)
Beautiful reds and pinks and lovely yarn! :o)
Congrats on winning - TWICE!
ohhh good for you! Hey totally off the track...have you ever knit a yoga mat bag?
Congrats on winning the contest! Dont' you just love geting those packages from the UK via Royal mail! Lots of nice goodies!
I haven't been by in a while, congrats on the contests and you got some great yarn!!! Send a little of your luck my way :) lol!! Have a great weekend!!
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