January 05, 2006

A is for....

I am participating in the ABC Along hosted by "How the West Was Spun"....

NOTE: if this is too sappy just go here and here (my previous posts today). I promise it will clear all of those smoochy sticky sweet thoughts right out of your mind. For any of you who might be worried, don't be. I promise not to let those two "fuglies" get much closer (she made him a scarf, and tha is almost as dangerous as making your man a sweater, right?)
.... littlefuglies could be almost as bad as Gremlins.
Ahhh, but I am TOTALLY off subject. Now, where was I? oh yes...
First week, first letter
A is for:
My partner in crime, the love of my life, my best friend, my Mr. Fixit, my hiking partner, my hubby.
I love you A!


Becky said...

A little sap is good for us. :) Nice pictures! I wonder, though, is your avatar maybe A on a wild spree? Like his evil side? Just a thought. A bad one, most likely.

. said...

Awww...Y'all are so cute! Love the pictures!

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

Ya know Becky, I think you are on to something. It is the Bad A. His ugly side out on a crazy drunken karaoke spree. It was a wild night out in the casinos here in down town Reno that went bad, really bad.
All that tacky carpet, cigarette smoke and the incessant ringing of slot machines would easily drive any man to "Fugly Avitar" mode.

Whit said...

Lol you girls.

The pics are sweet. You are adorable.

Hey, email me about the podcast if you want. Let me know what you've tried and what happens. :O)