New fringe... And OUCH!~
So the other day I had a hair apt. And came home lookin' like this.
I dig it . no wait, I LOVE IT- since it is "things I love thursdays" and all...I like my bangs, even if they are really short- that's the point, duh. I like the blond, even if it is really un-natural, um yeah?... It is good.
Next time I am doing BLUE- serious- I can't wait.
And this is what I have been dealing with at home, and that I don't love so much (love the cat, hate the cone)...

Do you know how hard it is not to laugh when I look at her??? I love her to death, but come on- it is silly. look at her! she keeps running into the walls with that thing on- it doesn't hurt since it sticks out so far, just silly. Poor girl... she has been stalking the birds through the window and barking at them non-stop...I can't wait until next week when we can take the cone off-
No knitting, no yoga... This is what happens when you come home from vacation- work is crazy, I realize I have a ton of stuff to do- homework, plan my mom's birthday/retirement party, sell our house, apply for a new job... And so and so forth....
life is good. I love my hubby, he makes me smile and is a sweetie. I love my girlfriends, they make me laugh. My job could be better, but yoga is there to make me happy... I have photography and my craftiness to fill the voids. Can't complain...
Love the new do! Being a hairstylist I think you should go for the blue! It's only hair and you can change it over and over again!! Your poor kitty! She does look cute! My dog had one of those when she lost her eye and she looked too funny! Hope you get some time to knit soon!
I'm guessing the hate you have for that cone doesn't hold a candle to the hate your cat has for the cone.
Love the bangs makeover!
Ah, poor kitty. They do hate the cone, don't they?
Great bangs!
I like the new do! I am a fan of "angry bangs". That's the bangs you get when you get pissed at your hair, and chop 'em off way too short! It works for me... how about a pink knit wig?? Poor kitty!
love the bangs, if it is even possible your baby blues look even bigger and bluer... and poor kitty
thanks everyone! you all are too sweet.
Gertie got to take the cone off for awhile last night so she could "do her laundry" she was happy, and then I had to chase her down to put the cone back on- only one more week and she gets her stitches out.
I echo the comments. Love the hair, hope you win.
And poor kitty. I am sure I would bump into stuff to if I had a six foot cone around my head (I am just estimating what the size would have to be to keep things in scale. I haven't actually tried it.)
i love short fringy bangs! & i love unnatural colors...i had a hot pink stripe for a long time. (matched my spice girls back i'm not that young).
oh they cone head they walk into walls with it....
hey, great hair!
cats and cones, man
i feel bad laughing, but you just can't help it...glad it almost over for her
I saw the coned cat and almost snorted my cinnamon dolce out mah nose...I am the daughter of a Mortician - which means I have a twisted sense of humor. ;o)
Love the bangs!! My hairdresser won't 'let' me have 'em. The last time I went to her (which was alsot the first time, heh) I told her I cut my bangs and she said, "Well. We aren't going to be doing that again, are we?" Kinda snooty, but she does miracles so I put up with it ;o)
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